Disclosure Details:
Period | Quarter | |||
1 – Details of Changes | Current Quarter | Previous Quarter | Change Amount | Change Rate (%) |
– Sales Amount | KHR 74,157 million | KHR 74,448 million | (KHR 291 million) | (0.39%) |
– Operating Profit | KHR 7,848 million | KHR 6,786 million | KHR 1,062 million | 15.65% |
– Net Profit/Loss | KHR 4,468 million | (KHR 1,295 million) | KHR 5,763 million | 445.02% |
2 – Shareholder Equity | ≥30 Billion KHR | |||
3 – Description | Increase in Net Profit | |||
4 – Reason | The profit after tax for the current quarter under review was KHR 4,468 million as compared to loss after tax of KHR 1,295 million in the preceding year corresponding quarter, representing an increase of KHR 5,763 million or 445.02%. The increase is mainly contributed by the recognition of finance income for contract assets amounting to KHR2,984 million (Q1 FY2021: Nil) and lower finance cost due to repayment of ring fenced term loans commencing FY2020. |