Our very first BOT project was secured in year 2015, where it serves as major upgrade in the EDC (Electricite Du Cambodge) 230kV Power Transmission System between Kampong Cham and Kratie in Cambodia with the contract sum of RM370 million (USD 92.2 million). This project has divided into two (2) stages: EPC of Power Transmission system Project and BOT/O&M for 25 years after completion of EPC stage in November 2017.
This is definitely an important milestone for the Company where we not only build but also responsible for operating a power transmission system for a concession period of 25 years. The company will have the opportunity to assist with operations and maintenance activities to assured the transmission asset is maintained by qualified personnel in accordance with applicable industry standards and best practices to provide maximum operating performance and reliability.
125km Transmission Line from Kampong Cham Substation to the Kratie new Substation will be the major link transferring 700MW–400 of Electrical Power from Sesan Hydro power Plant which is under Construction in upper Mekong area in close proximity to Stung treng. The Hydro power plant is commissioned in November 2017 and power will be transmitted to Phnom Penh, the Capital of Cambodia through Kampong Cham Kratie Transmission Line.
Kratie New 230/22kV substation built under this project will serve as a major collection center of Electricity Power from several other mini Hydro Power Plants as well and will be connected to the National Power grid of Cambodia.
In addition, there will be technical know-how transfer during the project period to ensure Cambodia counterpart will also have the knowledge in handling the power transmission system themselves after we hand over after the commercial operation period ended. The ability in providing full spectrum of power transmission system and broad knowledge on the field has enable PESTECH to have an ultimate advantage in securing this project.
With this, PESTECH had successfully expanded its business segment and also has become an independent power transmission concessioner in Cambodia.