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Fourth Quarterly Report of PESTECH (Cambodia) Plc. for the year 2022 (Unofficial Translation)

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Disclosure Details:

In the fourth quarter of FY2022, the total revenue of PEPC is KHR28,764 million representing a decrease of KHR81,904 million or 74.01% as compared to KHR110,668 million for the fourth quarter of FY2021. The changes in revenue reflected the execution progress of various projects in Cambodia.

At the end of June 2022, the total asset is KHR1,202,282 million representing an increase of KHR35,400 million or 3.03% as compared to KHR1,166,882 million in the financial year ended 30 June 2021 and total equity is KHR110,016 million representing an increase of KHR16,119 million or 17.17% as compared to KHR93,897 million in the financial year ended 30 June 2021.

The significant indicators in the fourth quarter of FY2022 are as follows:
1. Current Ratio: 0.93
2. Quick Ratio: 0.92
3. Return on Assets: (0.30%)
4. Return on Equity: (3.25%)
5. Gross Profit Margin: 24.33%
6. Profit Margin: (12.43%)
7. Earnings per Share: (KHR 47.69)

Change of Article of Incorporation (Unofficial Translation)

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Disclosure Details:

1 – Date of Resolution 2022-05-26
2 – Description PESTECH (Cambodia) PLC (“PEPC”) had on 26 May 2022 received the notification of approval from the Ministry of Commerce on the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company.
3 – Reason 1- Additional business objectives
2- Change of registered office
3- Increase of registered share capital
4- Update of Holding Company’s Address
5- Update of Directors’ Information
6- Amendments of other provision by deleting the old Articles in its entirety and replace with the
new Articles, details of which are set out in the attachment.

Third Quarterly Report of PESTECH (Cambodia) Plc. for the year 2022 (Unofficial Translation)

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Disclosure Details:

At the end of March 2022, the total asset is KHR 1,248,013 million representing an increase of KHR 81,131 million or 6.95% as compared to KHR 1,166,882 million in the financial year ended 30 June 2021 and total equity is KHR 109,294 million representing an increase of KHR 15,397 million or 16.40% as compared to KHR 93,897 million in the financial year ended 30 June 2021.

The significant indicators in the third quarter of FY2022 are as follows:

1. Current Ratio: 0.94

2. Quick Ratio: 0.92

3. Return on Assets: 0.07%

4. Return on Equity: 0.86%

5. Gross Profit Margin: 18.84%

6. Profit Margin: 1.69%

7. Earnings per Share: KHR 12.49

Second Quarterly Report of PESTECH (Cambodia) Plc. for the year 2022 (Unofficial Translation)

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Disclosure Details:

In the second quarter of FY2022, the total revenue of PEPC is KHR58,274 million representing an increase of KHR22,350 million or 62.21% as compared to KHR35,924 million for the second quarter of FY2021.

The revenue for the 6 months financial period ended 31 December 2021 recorded at KHR132,373 million representing the execution progress of various project in Cambodia.

At the end of December 2021, the total asset is KHR1,228,193 million representing an increase of KHR61,311 million or 5.25% as compared to KHR1,166,882 million in the financial year ended 30 June 2021 and total equity is KHR101,462 million representing an increase of KHR7,565 million or 8.06% as compared to KHR93,897 million in the financial year ended 30 June 2021.

The significant indicators in the first quarter of FY2022 are as follows:

1. Current Ratio: 0.93
2. Quick Ratio: 0.91
3. Return on Assets: 0.05%
4. Return on Equity: 0.65%
5. Gross Profit Margin: 16.50%
6. Profit Margin: 1.13%
7. Earnings per Share: KHR 8.75

Amendments to the Fourth Quarter Report 2021 and Annual Report 2021 (Khmer version) (Unofficial Translation)

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Disclosure Details:

PESTECH (Cambodia) PLC (“PEPC”) wishes to inform that amendments were made to the Fourth Quarter Report 2021 (Khmer version) and Annual Report 2021 (Khmer version) which were officially uploaded onto the website of Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) on 16 August 2021 and 12 October 2021 respectively.

No amendments were made to the English version of both reports.

Please refer to the attachment.

Notification On Amendment to the Khmer Version of the Additional Announcement of Dividend (Unofficial Translation)

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Disclosure Details:

PESTECH (Cambodia) PLC (“PEPC”) wishes to inform that amendment was made to the Additional Announcement of Dividend Distribution (Khmer version) which was announced on the website of Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) on 15 December 2021 in relation to the amount of dividend per share in KHR.

PEPC wishes to highlight that the amendment was merely a typo and there was no change to the quantum of dividend payment since the Company first announced, i.e. USD0.0065 per share or KHR26,4615 per share.

Please refer to attachment.